Seminario Achievable Science with SmallSats / CubeSats - Cinzia Zuffada

Il giorno 26 febbraio 2019, presso la Sala del Chiostro della Facoltà di Ingegneria Civile e Industriale Sapienza, si terrà il seminario della Dr. Cinzia Zuffada - Associate Chief Scientist presso il JPL-NASA/Caltech di Pasadena (California, USA) dal titolo:

Achievable Science with SmallSats/CubeSats.


In the cost-constrained environment of NASA, the need for an acceptable compromise between science objectives and mission affordability is informing the decadal surveys. The rising credibility of SmallSats and CubeSats as science platforms has changed significantly in the last few years while access to space and the ability to deploy multiple spacecraft have inspired people to develop mission concepts that exploit the new capability. Interestingly, new scientific observations are possible, via constellations, formation flying, and sensor disaggregation. This talk discusses the value added to planetary science, heliophysics, earth science, and astrophysics measurementsby single smallsats and constellations.

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