Luca Rizzetto obtained at Sapienza University of Rome his M.Sc. in mechanical engineering and his Ph.D. in railway engineering with a thesis on “safety and track compatibility issues in urban and suburban interoperable transport systems”. He is now a research assistant at the Department of Civil, Building and Environmental Engineering (DICEA) of Sapienza and CEO of DITS (Development and Innovation in Transport Systems) srl, a Spin-off Company of Sapienza. He has been consultant of the Italian Ministry of Transport for railway safety and regulations and consultant of Sviluppo Italia for the development of three ITS projects. His main research interests involve: simulation of railway vehicles dynamics, wheel-rail interaction studies and modelling, tram-train systems, rail freight transport, planning and management of transport systems, ITS planning. Recently he has worked on the following EU projects: TRIOTRAIN, EURNEX, RiFLE, CAPACITY4RAIL.
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